What is actually a thing you call happiness ?

May 22, 2014
I heard so many times people are unhappy with their life.
For those who feel unhappy right now
I challenge you to define what happiness is.
Because in my book there is no such definite happiness

Does happiness mean we can eat in a fancy restaurant when some people are starving to death?
Does happiness mean we can sleep in the 5 star hotels when some people lived on the street?
Does happiness mean we can buy branded clothes when some people wear ragged cloth?
Does happiness mean we have PhD degree when some people are illiterate?
Does happiness mean we ride in luxurious car when some people go everywhere on foot?
Does happiness mean have countless money when some people imprisonment by debt?
Does happiness mean we can go to the movie when some people hardly own television?
Does happiness mean we are a company director when some people are jobless?
Does happiness mean we have high salary when some people are slaves?
Does happiness mean we have beautiful face when some people have leprosy?
Does happiness mean we have prefect body when some people are handicapped?
Does happiness mean surrounding by wealthy family when some people have not family?
Does happiness mean we are healthy when some people have serious illness?

If you answer yes to the all question above
Then stop reading this crap !
And just continue your sleep and you fairy dreaming
There is nothing more I can say, since we live in a definitely different universe

If you answer no to all the question above
Then why would you call yourself unhappy?
Why do you think you have fairly excuses to pity on yourself?
Who give you that privilege?

As long as you have food to eat
As long as you have a room to spend the night
As long as you have clothes to wear
As long as you have ability to read and count
As long as you have access to transportation vehicle
As long as you have money in your hand right now
As long as you have access to entertainment tool
As long as you have job
As long as you have decent salary
As long as people not turn their head in disgust when they see you
As long as you healthy
As long as you have someone who care about you.
You are luckier than some of the people

You might miss one or two things above
But still it doesn’t make you miserable person
Because in the end, there is a thing which matter the most
It is more important from those above all put together
The thing we call LIFE

As long as you have life to live in , when some people die in the moment you complaining
As long as you have life there is always chance for improvement
As long as you have life there is always chance to get more

Happiness is only a matter of thought
It is not defined by what you have but defined by what you think

Be grateful about what you have today
And Share with those who needed
Than you will find yourself in peaceful happiness