7 things that you should be grateful !

May 22, 2014

Just before noon the day and hour lesson to a close, the teacher at an elementary school gave their students the task to write the Seven Wonders of the WorldAll students are asked to collect theirrespective dutiesA little girl was quiet in class that collects the task with great hesitationNo onelooks at it ...

At night the teacher to check students' workMost of the students wrote thus:

Seven wonders of the world:
1Eiffel Tower
2Tower of Pisa
3Parthenon temple
5Borobudur temple
6Taj Mahal
7Great Wall of China

Each answer sheet is obtained almost entirely the same, only the orders of the answers are different.But the teacher was kept in check until the last sheet.
But when examining the most recent piecesthe teacher was silentThe final pieces of the little girl's quiet ...
That said this: 

Seven wonders of the world:
1. Can See
2Can Hearing
3Can Touch
5Can Feel
6Can Laughand
7Could Love

After a silencethe teacher closes her students the task sheetThen bowed his head to pray ... to give thanks to a quiet little girl in his classwho had taught her a lesson full of meaning.

No need to look to the ends of the globe to find the magicThe magic is all around us for us to have.

Grateful for all that we have today.