Most Beautiful Heart

May 22, 2014
One day, a man was standing in the middle of the town, proclaiming that he has the most beautiful heart in the village.
People there gathered and see his heart and see that its perfect. No flaws or scars. They agree that its the most beautiful heart.
Suddenly an old man came to him and said, “young man, ur heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine.”
The old man show his heart. And people see there are scars in it. And many holes. Some holes is filled with pieces but didnt fit right.
Though the heart is beating really strong, people can see there are rough edge in the old man’s heart.
The young man smirk and the laugh. “u must be joking. Compare it, mine is perfect and beauty, urs is a mess full of scars and tears.”
"yes." the old man said. "urs is perfect looking. But i would never trade my heart with u."
"u see, every scar represent a person who i gave my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them."
"and some of them give me back a piece of their hearts, which fits into empty place of my heart."
"but the pieces arent exact, so there will be still a little hole in my heart. But i cherish it, coz it reminds me of love that we shared."
"there were times when i give piece of my heart and they dont return the piece of theirs. It made the empty holes."
"but im okay with it. giving love is taking a chance. Although the holes of my hearts is painful, as they dont give their love back."
"It reminds me of the love we shared, and someday, new love will come and fill the empty space i’ve been waiting."
Do not fear to love. Do not fear to get hurt. Someday, someone will bring the pieces we miss, and fits in our hearts well.
Let’s tear a piece of our beautiful hearts. Give it to people. Share our loves. And love will come back to us.